Waiting List

Crescent Sighting Verification Committee (CSVS) verifies the Moon crescent sighting reports in three categories:

  • Waxing crescent observation reports
  • Waning crescent observation reports
  • Daily crescent observation reports

The tables published by CSVS are based on the committee members’ deductions according to the accessible documents and the committee categorizes the results as valid, rejected and waiting list reports.The waiting list includes limited reports that experienced observers have seen special crescents close to the visibility limit or even less than that in very ideal observational conditions. Such crescents, in terms of their characteristics, have not been seen so far or rarely a report on observation of these cases has been recorded, so these special observations will be specially examined in the future, considering possible similar reports.

Calculations are according to Moon Calculator 6.0 based on the observers’ reports and CSVC tables will be updated gradually.

Each report in the table is indicated by a number and the name of the main observer or the observation site has been mentioned as well as the coordinates.

In the table below a number of Moon parameters has been calculated for the sunset time and the first observation moment. Sunset, Moonset and the first observation moment has been extracted at local time (LT) and the time zone is specified for each location. Also dropdown icon (arrow) can be used to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

It should be noted that after the column “the first observation” moon parameters are calculated for this moment.

Naked-eyes observation: N
Binocular observation: B
Binocular-telescope observation: BT
Telescope observation: T

Row Observer/ LocationDateLongitudeLatitudeTime ZoneSunsetMoon AgeMoon AltMoon PhaseElongationMoonsetLag TimeObservation TimeMoon AgeMoon AltMoon PhaseCrescent WidthInstru mentNew Moon
2Sharifi, Esfandi2013/12/0359°26'32°38'3.5h16:26:4812:33:595.798°0.49%7.098°17:03:2736.65'16:1312:208.225°0.48%0.123'T0:22:49